This was the final destination on the trip and I was so happy to explore. I've always wanted to go, but never had the opportunity. And at the end of the trip realized it was my favorite locale on the trip and wished I could have stayed longer. Oh, well another time. Here are pictures of the highlights of the trip...Enjoy!!
This is the Czech Inn where Annie and I stayed. Pretty, right?
Across from our tram stop to go into town.
Annie enjoying a traditional Pilsner Beer. I had one too, but didn't like it as much as Annie.
Best chicken dish I've had in my life. Looks kind of gross, but it's grilled chicken with pear and camembert cheese. Sooo good I wanted seconds.
Tour Option #1
Astronomical Clock. Very anti-climatic.
They hide a Starbucks everywhere they can. =)
It's Pink!
Tour Option #2
So sad. And yes, I gave him money. I wouldn't take his picture and not.
On the way to Charles' Bridge.
For luck and fertility. Not that I'm planning on using the fertility, but the good luck was nice.
Religious man who was burned at the stake for his beliefs. Then a statue was made of him centuries later. Figures.
A statue detailing the ghost from Mozart's famous opera. Can you guess which one? This sits right outside where they filmed the movie "Amadeus". Hahaha. I loved this poster. It was everwhere. =)
Spanish Synagogue. It only looks like a mosque.
View from Charles' Bridge at the Palace, where the president works and lives.
In a synagogue memorial for all Czech Jews who lost their life during WWII. All their names, birthdays and date of deaths (or when their death was discovered), and from which part of the Jewish Community they lived is printed on the walls of the entire synagogue.
The Jewish cemetery.
This is the Old New Synagogue where the famous Golem resides. There's an old story that says that a Nazi went to the attic where the Golem is trapped and never came down again. Presumably killed by the Golem.
The million steps up to the palace.
View from the top.
These guys wouldn't move for anything.
Church. Very old. Nuff said.
Very nice fiddler who let me take his picture for my spare change. Not a great player, but nice nonetheless.
Another view from the top.
The metro to the airport. Goodbye Prague. I will be back!
What a life, a European traveler, and fine food connoisseur. I want your life! I hope the whole rubbing the statue thing doen't back fire on you though, that would suck if you get real fertile and no luck! just kidding. You are already very lucky, being so smart and a world traveler. Take care and eat some tripe for me.
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