Tuesday, February 3, 2009


On Saturday I was lucky enough to hitch a ride with the archery team and visit Oxford. Since I'm still getting used to my new bow, I didn't make the team, but seeing Oxford was fun.

After gathering at the Oxford Blue pub before the competition, I headed out to explore. I stayed on the high road of the city, but most of the buildings I wasn't allowed into, because I'm not a student with the university. I only had 3 hours to kill, so I had to hurry my sightseeing.

Queen's College:

Found Another One!

First stop I made was a bookshop that sold very old books, for obscene prices. There was even a local student that started to beg the bookseller to give him a discount on the book on top of the discount given to all the books. I found his begging strangely funny. Only in Oxford would a teenage kid haggle over an ancient book.

Next I went into an Antique shop. British antique shops always have the best stuff. I even found some really interesting coins, like the two that were from the reign of Elizabeth I. I would have loved to have one of those. They had a portrait of her on the coin face. A portrait in good condition is very rare apparently.

The last place I went into was a pen shop that sold calligraphy, fountain and ink pens. Some of the pens were selling for over 50,000 pounds! I got myself a considerably cheaper one. It's a pretty blue and writes like a dream. While I was in the shop I met an American Oxford student that was just as enthralled with the pens as I was. He was studying Neuroscience, from Minnesota, had greasy hair, wore his baseball cap backwards. He defined the American geek from the mid-west.

On the way back to Nottingham the team stopped at a restaurant where I had hands-down the weirdest experience since coming to England.

We went to an American-themed restaurant.

Yes, you read that right. It was called the Baltimore Bar & Grill. The plates had an American flag on them. There was an American Eagle statue above the toilet sign. They were proud to serve American beers. There was a see-through decal on the windows of American landmarks, like the Brooklyn Bridge and the Golden Gate Bridge. Burgers, steak and Mexican-ish food was on the menu.

I was left speechless.


Anonymous said...

Monica - I liked the name, you almost was a Nicole (which is your middle name) - for all that do not know her - she is of German background. I love your stories, and can't wait for your next adventure. We have 6 1/2 weeks and I'll see you in Paris. Keep writing, I love reading your diary of 'Life of a U.K. student. Mom

Anonymous said...

Sure are a lot of interesting places to see over there. Seems to be a lot of pubs also. I'm so glad things are working out for you over there and am anxious to hear about all your experiences when you get back home....Aunt Chris