So I had one of those moments. You know the ones where a thought enters your mind that simply leaves you speechless. I had one while riding the bus today. (I couldn't resist getting the rest of the trilogy from Trudi Canavan, her books are addictive. And I've finished the first one already.) the realization was...
Most of my friends are guys.
I know, I'm as shocked as you probably are. I'm generally a shy person who has the ability to fake being outgoing when circumstances demand it. Other than male relatives, I've never had one guy-friend before. So when I realized, since coming to England I have somehow acquired eight guy-friends and many more guy-acquaintances, needless to say, I was more than a little shocked at myself. Two of the guys are from my course, and the rest are from archery. And all I consider pretty good friends.
The next question you may have is, "Is there any romantic possibilities?"
Unlikely, since only 3 out of the 8 are actually my age or older. One has a girlfriend (which I don't mess with since I believe in Karma) another is a crazy-funny Indian and the last, a fellow American dating a freshman from archery (again, I do not mess with Karma). All the rest are either slightly younger than myself or undergrads ranging from 18 to 21 years old. I'm a few weeks away from 24, so that would be a "no" to the romance question.
The really shocking thing is that none of them are gay. Which is sad because gay-guy friends are the best. But I like my guy-friends in spite of their un-gayness.
I have girl-friends, only 2 though, and from my course. The girls at archery are more like acquaintances, than close friends.
Another event that happened on the bus: Sighting of a woman who's hair was a cross between a Mohawk and a mullet. She had whacked the hairs on top of her head and left the rest of her long hair alone. So the short hair stood straight up in the middle. Umm...okay.
So two shocks on the bus. One mental and the other visual.
Sunday, January 25, 2009
Posted by Monica at 3:28 PM
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