Sunday, October 5, 2008

The weekend was relatively uneventful, other than some shopping I did on Saturday and archery this morning. A friend of mine suggested this really great cheap store, Primark, to go shopping for some clothes. I got 3 shirts for 12 pounds! I love finding great deals like that.

On Friday I took some random pictures of Jubilee Campus. It has swans! It's very pretty, even when the weather is cloudy and rainy.

I also couldn’t resist taking some pictures of the flock of geese on the University Campus

And this morning I found out the wrong way to extend my arm when holding the bow during archery. The string caught my arm and this is what happened:

So other than that great start to my day, I finished my romance book, drank some tea, ate a few biscuits and then started on my studying for next weeks classes.